Thanks Doru, using -autocp I've now the JUnit classes and a lot of other
stub classes :) it's good to consider the jars that come with the
project under-analysis.
Also thank you Steffen, you are right, we should consider, in addition to
the JUnit classes, the JUnit annotations when they are used in the java
project under-analysis.
Do you have/know a Java opensource project using JUnit annotations?
just to test the availability of those annotations using verveinej.
2011/12/21 Steffen Märcker <merkste(a)web.de>
It might be neccessary to consider the common JUnit
annotations as well,
e.g. @Test, @RunWith, etc. Inheriting from TestCase is not recommended
anymore in JUnit. Test methods and classes are now identified by their
Regards, Steffen
Am 21.12.2011, 00:28 Uhr, schrieb Hani Abdeen <hani.abdeen(a)gmail.com>om>:
Using VerveineJ, the stub classes realted to unit tests (TestCase,
and Test classes) are not imported
also their namesapce junit.framework
These classes are imported using inFamix.
junit.framework.TestCase class is particularly important in order to
automatically detect unit test classes: TestCase subclassHierarchy.
If this class is not available in the moose model then the only way to
automatically detect unit test classes is by detecting the classes that
their names are postfixed by 'Tests':
mooseModel allClasses select: [:c| '*Tests' match: c name]
such a way can provide us with wrong results!
P.S.: use-case JFreechart project:
which includes about 380 test classes (classes inherit from TestCase)
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