I moved Glamour to Rubric, deprecated those presentations that use
PluggableTextMorph and moved almost all usages of presentations that rely
on PluggableTextMorph.
These changes are still only in the Moose branch to see if there are any
ugly bugs.
The changes to the glamour API are the following:
- deprecated #smalltalkCode, #pharoPlayground and #rubricText
- added #pharoScript
If you use #smalltalkCode replace it with either #pharoMethod or
If you use #rubricTest replace those usages with #text
If you use #pharoPlayground replace those usages with #pharoScript (we
changed this as the glamour playground is not the same at the GTPlayground
and this was causing some confusion)
For this I also renamed GLMPharoPlaygroundPresentation to
GLMPharoScriptPresentation and GLMMorphicPharoPlaygroundRenderer to
If you are using the latest moose let me know if you run into any problems
or have questions.