there a test supposed to do that? Or does it just work on MooseModel menu?
I think we should write a test that take all entries in menus and run them.
Jannik, I wrote such tests some times ago. For example:
self assertAllActionsOf: model allModelClasses
self assertAllActionsOf: model allMethods
On a PackageGroup, some commands are strange or does not work:
- utilities
- bookmark entity: it does not update the glamour browser and we should close and reopen
the browser to see bookmarked entities. It also changes the name of my group... which is
not the behavior that I want.
old stuff to remove? I think there is a new bookmark mechanism (with metanool?). If only
I knew where it was...
Ok, I open a bug entry.
- createLoadScriptForGroup: I tried with a new
class name, the class is not created. When I use MooseScripts, I have a DNU because of
The script does not handle class creation -> bug if you want.
Ok, so: or we ask for a class name, and we create it, or we do not ask... or maybe we can
provide a list with existing classes.
- visualize:
- browse package blueprint: DNU
that's bad (package blueprints are still lacking tests).
#menuItems: does not exist in Mondrian anymore. (maybe a deprecated would have been
good?) What's the replacement?
- customizable eyesee chart: should have a
progress bar when the computing is slow.
- Dependencies (cycles): seems not working (loop ?)
MODominanceTreeLayout does not scale. Viz can be removed if necessary but it's a
simple viz yet it shows how to combine multiple things (famix, graph, mondrian) -->
good for demo/tutorial
The time to run it is exponential...
We should profile that or have a message before the script asking the user if he is
- distributionMap for these elements: I just did
"next", "finish" without configuring anything, I have a DNU
You have to think a bit about what the distribution map is supposed to show and make
sensible choices. Default choices may not work since they are computed from the metamodel
without regards.
--> Maybe the wizard should be configurable with default (sensible) choices so that
you don't get the DNU.
During the test of the menu, I tried what a new user can do to see if Moose is cool.
Default choice have to work.
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