I am using my PetitJava parser to extract some facts from Java code.
Currently, I limit myself to extract the location of classes (so that I can
see the source code), their name, and information about the package
in which they reside.
By parsing a system with both PetitJava and inFusion
(using VisualWorks 7.7.1 and MSE 2.1),
I found that some classes are not present in the model generated by inFusion.
I attach here the name of the classes found by PetitJava
and by inFusion (using the command allModelClasses on the MooseModel).
(Here I do not consider interfaces).
The analyzed source code can be found here:
For example, you can consider the files (and classes):
I also tried to find them by querying the main MooseModel
(e.g. model detect: [:e | e name = #Project]), but these
classes are not in the model.
Am I doing something wrong?