Sorry for latency in my reply.
Ok, I'll let you know if that suits our needs when
we start using it. In the meantime, will there be a way to construct roassal
visualizations on the web without needing to use Amber? Do you plan to do it?
Well, we can produce SVG files from Roassal @ Pharo. This means you are free to serve it
via a web server directly or not.
Try this:
| builder |
builder := ROMondrianViewBuilder new.
builder nodes: Collection withAllSubclasses.
builder edgesFrom: #superclass.
builder treeLayout.
builder applyLayout.
ROExportSVGCommand new exportView: builder view
I think Amber cannot be avoided as soon as you want to interact with the visualization.
On Oct 21, 2013, at 3:16 PM, Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Hi Alex,
Any updates of the project about constructing visualizations with Roassal for the web
(with Amber?)?
Did that project get accepted for GSoc? If not, do you plan to have a version of Roassal
that could allow scripting visualizations on the web (with Seaside)?
Because soon we'll need it ;).
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Alexandre Bergel
Alexandre Bergel