It seems that the majority of warnings are related to problems with the
versions in the configuration.
In Moose, most of the configurations load from baseline and do not use
versions. This is a way to always load the latest version.
May be we can start removing the warnings for baselines and later
clean/remove the versions.
On Fri, Jun 27, 2014 at 9:40 AM, stepharo <stepharo(a)> wrote:
I'm starting to check the validation of the
configurations and I will
share that with you.
| list errors conf |
conf := ConfigurationOfEyeSee.
errors := OrderedCollection new.
list := MetacelloToolBox validateConfiguration: conf.
list do: [ :warning |
warning isCritical ifTrue:[errors add: conf -> warning ]]
an OrderedCollection(Critical Warning: No version specified for the
package 'EyeSee-Events' in version '' { noVersionSpecified } [
#validateVersionSpec: ] Critical Warning: No version specified for the
package 'EyeSee-Axis' in version '' { noVersionSpecified } [
#validateVersionSpec: ] Critical Warning: No version specified for the
package 'EyeSee-Tests-Core' in version '' { noVersionSpecified }
#validateVersionSpec: ] Critical Warning: No version specified for the
package 'EyeSee-Support' in version '' { noVersionSpecified } [
#validateVersionSpec: ] Critical Warning: No version specified for the
package 'EyeSee-Core' in version '' { noVersionSpecified } [
#validateVersionSpec: ] Warning: Symbolic version #development refers to a
version'1.1-baseline' whose blessing #baseline is not #development {
notDevelopmentVersion } [ #validateVersionSpecForSymbolicVersion:symbolicVersion:
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