Wow! Very nice!
This larger visualization is really informative.
A movie of this visualization with frames taken every day from the Jenkins
build would be very interesting over time.
Movies of the evolution of both individual classes, hierarchies, and
packages. Very inspirational.
Sam S. Adams, Cognitive Knowledge Systems
IBM Distinguished Engineer, IBM Research
Mobile: 919-696-6064, email: ssadams(a)
Assistant: Tonja Ross, 404-348-9086, Tie-Line: 824-9086,
<<Hebrews 11:6, Proverbs 3:5-6, Romans 1:16-17, 1 Corinthians 1:10>>
From: Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)>
To: Moose-related development <moose-dev(a)>
Date: 05/11/2014 08:31 PM
Subject: [Moose-dev] Spectrograph in Roassal
Sent by: moose-dev-bounces(a)
During my Sunday evening coding session, I worked on a spectrograph in
Here a small example:
Each vertical line is a class. Height is the total amount of methods (class
+ metaclass). Red = class methods, Gray = instance methods.
The script is the following:
| b |
b := RTSpectrograph new.
b objects: (RTLayout withAllSubclasses reverseSortedAs: #numberOfMethods).
b popupText: [ :aClass :cm | cm methodClass name, '>>', cm selector ].
b lineBlock: [ :cls | cls methods, cls class methods ].
b highlight: [ :aClass :cm | cm methodClass isMeta ].
b title: 'Proportion of class methods'.
b open.
A more sophisticated example:
Each vertical line is a class.
Green classes are Trachel classes
Gray classes are Roassal classes
Height of a class is its age, in number of days (i.e., age of the oldest
methods of the class).
Each red dot is the creation of one of its method (i.e., when the method
was created).
We can see that Trachel classes have not evolved that much, i.e., most of
the methods have been defined on the same day.
The to obtain this visualization is the following:
-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=
| b now |
now := DateAndTime now.
b := RTSpectrograph new.
b objects: ((RTObject withAllSubclasses , TRObject withAllSubclasses)
reverseSortedAs: #livingInDays).
b highlight: [ :cls :livingDay | cls inheritsFrom: TRObject ] color: Color
b highlight: [ :cls :livingDay | cls gotMethodOnDay: livingDay ].
b popupText: [ :cls :age | cls name, ' ', age printString , ' days old'
b lineBlock: [ :cls | 0 to: cls livingInDays ].
b open.
-=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-= -=-=-=-=
If you try this code one day after I posted it, all the classes will be one
pixel higher :-)
Alexandre Bergel
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