Hi guys
"Returns an unique identifier of this entity. This method is mandatory, and must
return a Symbol or Integer that uniquely identifies this entity within its model (but
not within the entire Moose enivronment, see MooseElement>>mooseID). The return
value must not be nil, and must never change. The implementation should be fast,
as this key may be used extensivley by the MooseModel or similar facilities."
^self mooseID asString "asSymbol -- check if this really works with Integers
as well, else change sender!"
was like that
and now MooseEntity>>mooseName
| stream |
^ self privateState
propertyAt: #mooseName
[ stream := (String new: 64) writeStream.
self mooseNameOn: stream.
^ stream contents asSymbol ]
so why the comment got lost?