We are happy to announce the first version of Glamour on Seaside. This work
was carried out by Andrei Vasile Chis and was sponsored by ESUG. The project
offers a Seaside-based rendering of Glamour browsers. In other words, once
you have a browser in Glamour, you can now simply display it on the web.
You can obtain the code in two ways:
- Nightly built image:
- Metacello configuration loadable in Pharo 1.1 (not Core)
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Glamour';
package: 'ConfigurationOfGlamourSeaside';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlamourSeaside) loadDefault.
A couple of examples are available on the Moose server:
http://online.moosetechnology.org/glamour/basicExamples (a number of example
http://online.moosetechnology.org/moose/metaBrowser (a browser for the
meta-model of Moose)
Several developments are planned for the near future, so stay tuned for more
We would highly appreciate any kind of feedback.
Andrei and Doru