Thanks, Doru.
Could you also provide in Hismo the same that you have done for
FAMIXNamespace to the FAMIXPackage, with respect to #packagedIn? I am
interested in creating packages in the single version MooseModels and
to fix their packagedIn relation and when I create a ModelHistory
from a number of versions, I get the same relation among
On May 18, 2007, at 1:39 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
Hi Ricky,
Indeed, this was a bug due to an old code. It is fixed now in
MooseDevelopment 3.2.14.
If you want to make nested namespaces work, first you need to have
the "belongsTo" relationship at the version level between
namespaces, and then the nesting at the history level is automatic.
Take a look at:
Let us know if you have further questions.