Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1082 by v.blonde...(a) Inconsistent inspector variables
Describe the problem: what do you get? what do you expect?
In the Moose Inpector, the value of a variable in the list is not equal to
the printed value in the inspector evaluator part. See png attached.
How to reproduce the problem: step by step if necessary
create a class (Test) with a IV (test) and a initialize method (
test := #test
inspect : "Test new "
In the evaluator of the inspector, Print it "test". The value should be nil
which is not expected.
Additional information: platform, context which may impact the problem
Moose latest - W7
Please fill in the labels with the following information:
* Type-Defect
* Component-GTInspector
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