Hi Fabrizio.
Thanks for helping me reproduce the problem.
It should be fixed now.
However, there are still some red tests because they assume the old wrong behavior of
assigning edges to an owner node.
On 26 May 2012, at 15:28, Fabrizio Perin wrote:
Hi Doru,
Here is the code you were working on:
view := MOViewRenderer new.
view nodes: #(2) forEach: [:each |
view shape label.
view node: each* 10.
view shape label.
view node: (each * 10 + 1).
view treeLayout.
view edgesFromAssociations: {"10->20. 10 -> 11 ." 20->21}.
view open.
"It's not what we do that matters most, it's how we do it."