It is!
We tend to have everything described in the meta meta model (fame) in a way that using
existing tools with new models is just to add descriptions at the right place in the
model. These additions are really easy to made (one method to change and 2 to add) and it
simplify a lot the implementation in the tools.
-----Message d'origine-----
De : Moose-dev [] De la part de
Tudor Girba
Envoyé : lundi 6 février 2017 10:56
À : Moose-related development
Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: New pragmas in FAME for associations
That looks really cool!
On Feb 6, 2017, at 10:40 AM, Blondeau Vincent
<vincent.blondeau(a)> wrote:
> -----Message d'origine-----
> De : Moose-dev [] De la
> part de Tudor Girba Envoyé : vendredi 3 février 2017 18:13 À :
> Moose-related development Objet : [Moose-dev] Re: New pragmas in
Could you detail how MooseQuery uses these now?
Of course.
Before, the code to access the TEntityMetaLevelDependency >>
incomingMSEPorperties was :
self dependencyFM3PropertyDescription select: [ :p |
(p type implementingClass msePropertiesWithMethodNameEqualsTo:
ifNotNil: [ (self
withAllSuperclasses collect: [ :c | c name asString
]) includes: (p type implementingClass
msePropertiesWithMethodNameEqualsTo: p) arguments second ]
ifNil: [ false ] ]) ].
Now, it is just:
self dependencyFM3PropertyDescription select: [ :p | p opposite
isTarget ]) ].
Based at 100% on fame metadescriptions. I still
kept the caching of the
result because the first solution was computing intensive, but I think that
with this new solution, we can remove this mechanism.
It also changed MooseIncomingQueryResult >> isOppositeMultivalued:
that is now really based on Fame.
And it removed ugly code like: "self
lookupSelector: #from" in the
fromMethod and toMethod.
> Cheers,
> Doru
>> On Feb 3, 2017, at 5:38 PM, Blondeau Vincent
> <vincent.blondeau(a)> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> In our Fame meta meta model, some information about the source and
> target selector for the associations were missing. It was hard to
> extend the model with new associations.
>> With the help of Anne, I added the pragma <source> representing the
> incoming link of the association and <target> representing the
> outgoing link of the association (see FAMIXAssociation >> #from , #to for
>> In Fame, it is represented in FM3PropertyDescription by isTarget and
> isSource (false by default).
>> All the tests related to this change are now green in Jenkins and
>> some
> additional tests should be added to cover this new functionality.
>> MooseQuery is now based on these features.
>> Cheers,
>> Vincent
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