I agree with your comment.
However, the class ROElement has not much to do with edges, therefore I cannot find an
indication why it deserves to be called Node.
As I said in my previous post, I really want the notion of element to be independent from
the edges. Ideally, if one day we remove everything related to edges, we should not touch
ROElement and ROAbstractElement.
There is only the method #isEdge and #isNotEdge that make the distinction. These methods
are ugly and the World does not deserve to have them around. Maybe a #selectElementTypeOf:
following Ben's email may simplify the thing.
We could rename ROAbstractElement -> ROAbstractComponent
On Oct 9, 2012, at 2:47 AM, Tudor Girba <tudor(a)tudorgirba.com> wrote:
The fact that the superclass is called AbstractElement
and the
subclass is called ROElement denotes that we do not have proper name
for one of the concepts. I would suggest to rename ROElement to Node
which would be a natural name in this domain.
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 3:00 AM, Ben Coman <btc(a)openinworld.com> wrote:
Thanks for addition of the rubberband feature. Having considered the
ROExample some more, I think it would provide a better show by highlighting
the available target nodes, so (to keep the application code concise) I was
thinking of rearranging the API as follows...
rubberband := RORubberBand new
targeting: [:sourceElement | sourceElement view
allElementsSelect: [:targetElement | [targetElement model
first asInteger = (sourceElement model first asInteger + 1)]]];
highlightTargets; onDrop:
[:rawNewEdge |
rawNewEdge + ROLine.
rawNewEdge to removeAllEdgesTo.
rawNewEdge to view add: rawNewEdge.
ROTreeLayout on: rawView elements].
where I was adding ROView>>allElementsSelect: as...
allElementsSelect: aBlock
| newCollection |
newCollection := OrderedCollection new.
self allElementsDo: [:each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [newCollection
add: each]].
However I bumped into an issue where (unless you see a more elegant
solution) I feel the right thing might be to rename #allElementsDo: to
#allElementsAndEdgesDo (or #alllAbstractElementsDo:) and create two new
methods #allEdgesDo: and #allElementsDo:
The issue is that I was assuming I would be safe with the code
"sourceElement model first" since I _know_ the model is a string, however I
was surprised that this failed - due to #allElementsDo also processing edges
which had no model. However trying to workaround this with the following
also fails...
allElementsSelect: [:targetElement | (targetElement
isKindOf: ROElement)
and: (targetElement model first asInteger =
(sourceElement model first asInteger + 1)) ]
since the right-side is not bypassed when the left-side evaluates to #true
as per other languages (as well it clutters the application code)
Hence it seems useful for the (targetElement isKindOf: ROElement) to be
pushed upstream. However what would such a method be called?
#allElementsDo: is already taken, unless as mentioned above #allElementsDo:
is renamed to #allAbstactElementsDo: and new #allEdgesDo: and
#allElementsDo: are created.
Actually a new thought just occurs.... since Roassal has two major
components ROEdge and ROElement, and I think it will be _very_ common to
filter between them, having something like #allElementsKindOf:do: (as well
as #allElementsKindOf:select:) might be useful, such that the application
code would be...
rubberband := RORubberBand new
targeting: [:sourceElement | sourceElement view
allElementsKindOf: ROElement select: [:targetElement |
[targetElement model first asInteger = (sourceElement model first asInteger
+ 1)]]];
highlightTargets; onDrop:
[:rawNewEdge |
rawNewEdge + ROLine.
rawNewEdge to removeAllEdgesTo.
rawNewEdge to view add: rawNewEdge.
ROTreeLayout on: rawView elements].
This could leave the rubberbanding mechanism flexible to later drop edges
onto other edges - which might be randomly useful for something like the
hyperedges discussed recently. Do you have any other ideas on achieving
something similar to the last example?
cheers -ben
P.S. While it is elegant that ROAbstractElement has only one instance
variable 'elements' containing both ROElements and ROEdges, it is a little
unfortunate when considering the term 'elements' in general discussion and
documentation that there is a semantic overlap between ROAbstactElement and
ROElement that may at times be open to confusion.
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