On 8 déc. 07, at 00:17, Adrian Kuhn wrote:
Please find below the latest draft of the MSE format
There is a new mse element, annotations, which can be used twofold
(1) To structure mse files into multiple documents.
do we want that?
because we will have to uniquely identify the metamodel associated
with a model?
How do we distinguish versions? because there is a number in the tag?
For example an
mse file may contain an @mse header document and both a @metamodel
and @model document, or even multiple @version1 @version2 ...
documents. The only reserved annotation would be @mse for the leading
header document.
So a valid document could eg look like this
@mse ((MSE.File
(metamodel 'http://moose.unibe.ch/spec/famix/3.0')
(model '@model'))
we had something similar in CDIF and never used it for validation :)
((FAMIX.Package (id: 1)
(name 'LAN')
(FAMIX.Class ...
(2) Annotations for elements. Attribute names may start with an @ to
indicate an attribute not conforming to the metamodel, for example
the longDesc of a Moose measurement, or the category of a Moose meny
entry would use this feature. But also the variable indexed slots of
Magritte elements.
(name 'ABC')
(attr 0.5 0.75 -1 0.2)
(@1 'foo')
(@2 'bar')
(@3 nil)
(@4 'qux'))
Also there are two new primitives
- Nil
- Datetime
Nil is not to be confused with unset values, which may have a default
value different from nil
I see.
absent = default value
(attr ) = default value
(attr nil) = nil value
(attr "..some..") = some value
ok above defaultValue means nil in Smalltalk?
Similar to SAX, there is a ParserClient interface for reading MSE
documents using callbacks. This interface allows an application to
register for MSE document parsing.
The sequence of callbacks is
limited to the following protocol
MAIN := beginFile ( annotation* beginDocument ELEM* endDocument )*
ELEM := beginElement serial? (beginAttribute ( primitive | reference
| ELEM )* endAttribute) endElement
which is based on this grammer and tokens
root := fragment | file
fragment := elementNode
file := document*
document := annotation* "(" elementNode* ")"
annotation := AT_NAME
elementNode := "(" elementName serial? attributeNode* ")"
elementName := NAME
attributeNode := "(" attributeName valueNode* ")"
attributeName := NAME | AT_NAME
valueNode := primitive | id-reference | reference | elementNode
serial := "(" "id:" INTEGER ")"
id-reference := "(" "idref:" INTEGER ")"
reference := "(" "ref:" NAME ")"
Breaks input-stream into tokens. Accepts the following grammar
Open ::= "("
Close ::= ")"
AtName ::= "@" ( Letter | Digit )+
Keyword ::= "id:" | "idref:" | "ref:"
Name ::= Letter ( Letter | Digit )* ( "." ( Letter | Digit )
+ )*
String ::= ( "'" [ˆ']* "'" )+
Boolean ::= "true" | "false"
Nil ::= "nil"
Date ::= Digit{4} "-" Digit{2} "-" Digit{2} ( ","
":" Digit{2} ":" Digit{2} )
Number ::= "-"? Digit+ ( "." Digit+ )? ( "e" (
"-"? Digit+ ))?
Digit ::= [0-9]
Letter ::= [a-zA-Z_]
Whitespace ::= Space Tab ecetera...
Comment ::= "\"" [ˆ"] "\""
What do you think?
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