On 8 sept. 09, at 15:24, Simon Denier wrote:
On 8 sept. 09, at 14:43, Laval Jannik wrote:
This method sends message parentClass to a FamixMethod (inv
accessor). The method parentScope is not defined in FamixMethod.
Should we take the parentScope of FamixClass ?
I have been struggling a bit with this one. There is no parentScope
in FamixClass right now. But, the definition of the metamodel says
that FamixType#container points to the namespace of the type.
My suggestion:
- define a FAMIXType#parentScope which delegates to
- define a FAMIXMethod#parentScope which calls parentType parentScope
Now I wonder. Since there is no namespace in Pharo, or just a 'unique'
namespace, this method always returns false :) in the case of Pharo
> FamixGlobalVariable>>isPublic
> ^ self incomingAccesses anySatisfy: [:inv |
> inv accessor parentScope ~~ self parentScope]