Another example on which you can zoom in and out.
| view element nameComponent label stack |
view := ROView new.
view @ RODraggable.
ROSVGPath southAmerica do: [ :k |
element := (ROSVGPath path: (ROSVGPath perform: k)) elementOn: k.
view add: element.
nameComponent := ROElement new.
ROSVGPath southAmerica do: [ :k |
label := ROLabel elementOn: k asString.
label @ ROLightlyHighlightable.
label on: ROMouseEnter do: [ :event | ROBlink highlight: (view elementFromModel: event
model asSymbol) ].
label on: ROMouseLeave do: [ :event | ROBlink unhighlight: (view elementFromModel: event
model asSymbol) ].
nameComponent add: label.
ROGridLayout new
gapSize: -3;
lineItemsCount: 15;
on: nameComponent elements.
stack := ROViewStack new.
stack zoomInButton; zoomOutButton.
stack addView: view.
stack add: nameComponent.
nameComponent translateTo: 0 @ 20.
stack openInWindowSized: 1000 @ 700
On Nov 16, 2013, at 5:44 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)> wrote:
I had fun understanding how countries may be described using SVG.
Here is a first shoot:
<Screen Shot 2013-11-16 at 5.36.21 PM.png>
Moving the mouse above a country name highlight the country. You can now rehearse your
The complete source code of this example is:
| view element nameComponent label |
view := ROView new.
ROSVGPath countries do: [ :k |
element := (ROSVGPath path: (ROSVGPath perform: k)) elementOn: k.
view add: element.
nameComponent := ROElement new.
ROSVGPath countries do: [ :k |
label := ROLabel elementOn: k asString.
label @ ROLightlyHighlightable.
label on: ROMouseEnter do: [ :event | ROBlink highlight: (view elementFromModel: event
model asSymbol) ].
label on: ROMouseLeave do: [ :event | ROBlink unhighlight: (view elementFromModel: event
model asSymbol) ].
nameComponent add: label.
ROGridLayout new
gapSize: -3;
lineItemsCount: 15;
on: nameComponent elements.
view add: nameComponent.
nameComponent translateTo: 0 @ 400.
view openInWindowSized: 1000 @ 700
Alexandre Bergel
Alexandre Bergel