Status: New
Owner: ----
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium
New issue 1109 by alexandr...(a) roassal pixel rendering
I've been experiencing weird behavior with pixel rendering...
basically one pixel lines will get blurred for some reason even though
there is no half-pixel overlapping.
Here is a test code (screenshots attached below).
Without the labels the left box will be blurred while the right is better
(even though it still has slight shadow); when I add labels however their
behavior will switch.
What I would expect is to have nice sharp lines all the time.
Is this Athens issue? Roassal? Pharo?
Its ugly both on Linux and Windows.
| view box1 box2 |
view := RTView new.
box1 := RTBox new width: 50; height: 51; fillColor: Color transparent;
borderColor: Color black; elementOn: '50@51'.
view add: box1.
box2 := RTBox new width: 51; height: 50; fillColor: Color transparent;
borderColor: Color black; elementOn: '51@50'.
view add: box2.
"box1 @ RTLabelled.
box2 @ RTLabelled."
box1 translateTo: -50 @ 0.
box2 translateTo: 50 @ 0.
view open
with labels.png 3.0 KB
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