Le 1 févr. 2016 à 16:32, Thierry Goubier
<thierry.goubier(a)gmail.com> a écrit :
2016-02-01 16:29 GMT+01:00 Anne Etien <anne.etien(a)univ-lille1.fr
Le 1 févr. 2016 à 08:09, stepharo
<stepharo(a)free.fr <mailto:stepharo@free.fr>> a écrit :
Where? because I spent a couple of hours I only found SQL92
http://savage.net.au/SQL/ <http://savage.net.au/SQL/>
SQL-92, -99, -2003
Thanks I will archive that.
I am not an expert in grammar, but I don’t see on this page the rules relative to
function or even to select query.
First one, just a search on SELECT in the web page:
<query specification> <http://savage.net.au/SQL/sql-92.bnf.html#xref-query
specification> ::=
SELECT <http://savage.net.au/SQL/sql-92.bnf.html#xref-SELECT>[ <set
quantifier> <http://savage.net.au/SQL/sql-92.bnf.html#set quantifier> ]
<select list> <http://savage.net.au/SQL/sql-92.bnf.html#select list> <table
expression> <http://savage.net.au/SQL/sql-92.bnf.html#table expression>
> But the point wasn't that; what a LALR/LR
parser gives you is a
> grammar ambiguity and conflicts... PetitParser will happily take your
> grammar ans you will only discover when parsing something that it
> doesn't do what you would like.
> (The reference citation of Aho and Ullman is ... it may be difficult
> to determine what the language is).
> So since you have a grammar, use LALR to check it.
But as I said we do not have it.
You do have a PEG grammar in your PetitParser efforts, since you have been working on it.
From far, those grammars are very much like other grammars... just that the parser
generator behave differently when you have conflicts and ambiguity.
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