I understand your point
FAMIXClass subclass: #FAMIXClassExtension
instanceVariableNames: ''
classVariableNames: ''
> poolDictionaries: ''
> category: 'Famix-Core'
I fear this may be problematic. In the Pharo version of Moose (I
haven't checked for VW), FAMIXClass is referenced in a number of places.
For example:
- FAMIXInvocation>>isAPotentialIncomingInvocationFor: contains
'invoRVar class = FAMIXClass'
- FAMIXClass>>isADirectSubclassOf: contains 'aClass class = FAMIXClass'
This suggest that instances of FAMIXClassExtension will probably not
be have the same effect when a FAMIXClass is expected.
It does not seem to be a big deal though. But why
FAMIXClass>>isExtended is not enough?
Alexandre Bergel