Comment #7 on issue 900 by benjamin...(a) Glamour-Roassal should be
able to work with raw ROView not just ROMondrianBuilder
Sorry I never got around to following this up. It is surprisingly long
ago. I have been distracted away from Moose for a while, but since there
are now a number of builders for Roassal - ROMondrianViewBuilder,
ROTreeMapBuilder, ROPunchcardBuilder, ROFranceMapBuilder - now might be a
good time to revisit the architecture of the Glamour-Roassal interface.
Currently Glamour is tied tightly with ROMondrianViewBuilder, and I guess
the new builders would not work with Glamour. In other words, it is
currently a Glamour-ROMondrianViewBuilder interface rather than a
Glamour-Roassal interface. It would be really great if future new
third-party Roassal builders could be easily plugged into Glamour. This
should also include direct use of ROView such as by my LEKtrek application
(when I finally release it).
Also, please consider the case where the Roassal view is not completely
regenerated each time, but is persistent across invocations of #paint:.
This is for where the Glamour-Roassal interface is used mostly for passing
selections from Glamour lists to highlight Roassal features. Just off the
top of my head, one way of implementing both these behaviours might be to
consider whether a class or an instance is passed to #newView:. For
example, where..
a roassal
newView: [ :oldView | MyRoassalBuilder newViewFrom: oldView ] ;
* regenerate each time
MyRoassalBuilder class>>newViewFrom: oldView
^ self new
* persistent
MyRoassalBuilder class>>newViewFrom: oldView
^ oldView
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