Form the UI point of view, your solution is exactly
what I want.
Because of the used generics it does not parse my files thought.
Yep, but I haven't found a Java 5 grammar for SmaCC (John and Don are
not aware of such grammar as well).
I spend a good part of my night in trying to port a grammar for
SmaCC. But I got many Shift/Reduce, that I do not know how to solve.
I have not idea how to interpret the following errors:
Shift/Reduce Conflict
[identifier : . <IDENTIFIER>;"<" "." "["] *****
[Optional: type_arguments : . ;<IDENTIFIER>]
Shift/Reduce Conflict
[dot : . ".";"<" "new" <IDENTIFIER>
"super" "this"] *****
[Repeat: dim : . ;"[" "."]
Alexandre Bergel