On Jul 1, 2013, at 11:08 PM, Thomas Haug <thomas.haug(a)mathema.de> wrote:
Hi Doru,
license: since it is still in an very early stage, I have not decided yet... but I guess
the generator tool will be freely.
As soon as you define the license, we announce it officially on the main website :).
tust: good question, It should be quite accurate, but
I have to write more tests on that... ;-)
design disharmonies (based on Lanza/Marinescu book): currently I can only
"calculate" Data Classes, the other disharmonies are not really calculated so
scalability/performance: since I parse compiled code
it is currently fast enough (at least for my purposes). I'm planning to prototype the
integration of other parser but this has low prio.
This indeed, does not sound like a priority.
I will definitely work on this project: You might have
seen my video that I am currently implementing my personal "interpretation" of
CodeCity as an native .NET application ( seehere, the video is in Denglish, a.k.a. German
(Deutsch) english). This tool is not published so far, because it need much more work on
But in order to "give something back" to the MOOSE and CodeCity community I am
still planning to enhance the famix generator.
Thank you! You are filling an important hole in the Moose eco system. Please keep up the
good work.
Good night
Hi Thomas,
This is great news! Thanks for sharing.
A couple of questions:
- What is the license of the code and of the tool?
- How detailed is the model? I looked briefly at the MSE samples from the site and saw
that your model include even Access and Invocation. This is exciting. How much do you
trust the accuracy of the information?
- I also saw that you export properties like design problems and metrics (see a snippet
(GodClass true)
(DataClass true)
(BrainClass true)
(RefusedParentBequest true)
(TraditionBreaker true)
(WLOC 0.0)
(WNOS 11.0)
How do you compute the design problems? Is it based on the Object-oriented metrics in
practice book?
- I did not have a chance to run the tool yet, but how scalable and fast is it?
- Do you plan to invest more time into it?
Do you need help? If you provide a case study perhaps we can work through it.
In any case, great work.
On Mon, Jul 1, 2013 at 5:36 PM, Thomas Haug <thomas.haug(a)mathema.de> wrote:
Hi everybody,
I have implemented a Famix-Generator which analyses .NET assemblies and produces mse
files for CodeCity as well as the MOOSE platform.
If you want to give it a try, you can download it from my site (german, I am sorry - I
will change that in near future):
The generator creates famix artifacts for namespaces, types (classes, interfaces, enums
und structs), methods, methods calls and local variables. the tool is not complete
(missing features, bugs?), I will enhance it during the next weeks or months.. ;-)
(BTW you need a .NET 4.0 installed on your machine. It does not run on the Mono
plattform, right now.)
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