Comment #1 on issue 998 by tu...(a) VerveineJ: Method in
EnumValue -> anonymous or inner class
Hmm, this situation should indeed be changed. The current model only
considers simple Enums. At the moment, EXCLUDE_BUGS will appear as an
EnumValue (which is a structural entity). I think this is good given that
we can have accesses to such enum values.
Now, the question is how to treat the initializer. Essentially, when we
EXCLUDE_BUGS("property.excludebugs") {... }
it's kind of equivalent to something like:
private FilterKind EXCLUDE_BUGS = new FilterKind("property.excludebugs")
{ ... }
In this case, we can simply create a static initializer method entity for
the FAMIXEnum, and create the anonymous classes inside.
What do you think?
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