Comment #2 on issue 931 by alan.mcn...(a) Moose Meta Browser - type
and opposite values clipped on left
I believe I am also working on the current version (4.8) of Moose.
This Moose was applied to a Pharo2.0 image, rather than downloaded as Moose.
None of the Moose packages are shown as dirty in Montidello
Moose-Core (TudorGirba.391)
Moose-Cycle Table (RobertVonBurg.8)
Moose-Development-Tools (TudorGirba.10)
Moose-DistributionMap (JurajKubelka.43)
Moose-Dsm-Core (janniklaval.2)
Moose-Dsm-Example (AlexandreBergel.46)
Moose-Dsm-Famix (RobertVonBergel.5)
Moose-Dsm-Visualization-Core (AlexandreBergel.26)
Moose-Dsm-Visualization-Famix (RobertVonBerg.9)
Moose-Finder (TudorGirga.12)
Moose-GenericImporter (AlexandreBergel.46)
Moose-Help (TudorGirbba.3)
Moose-MondrianPaintings (AnneEtien.177)
Moose-MonticelloImporter (AlexandreBergel.26)
Moose-Multi-DimensionsDistributionMap (usmanbhatti.8)
Moose-RossalPaintings (TudorGirba.1)
Moose-Settings (TudorGirba.6)
Moose-SmalltalkImporter (TudorGirga.134)
I've attached a couple of screen shots with the clipping effect. Only half
a character but reduces readability.
PharoScreenshot.1.png 304 KB
PharoScreenshot.2.png 291 KB
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