syntax error...
^ <RED>Variable or expression expected</RED>
-> thecustomprofile:Compound
where the <RED> line is error inserted in red coloured text.
The immediate problem being the colon in the identifier.
I tracked this down as coming from the use of a namespace like this...
<xmi:XMI xmi:version="2.1"
How can I work around this?
I need a better handling of tag names with namespaces in them… I'll add it to my todo
queue. :)
Now "thecustomprofile" is Enterprise Architect related (i.e. the
editing tool) and *nothing* to do with the domain, so I guess it could
be thrown away.
Enterprise Architect adds this if you use a custom stereotype but without a defined
profile (UML requires a profile for a stereotype).
But since people blisfully ignore the specs and just shove stereotypes to their models,
the tool will autogenerate a profile for you.
I notice down the stack that XLMElement has
name ==> thecustomprofile:Compound
localName ==> Compound
I think this depends on what namespaces are defined in parent elements (iirc it wasn't
reliable), but it's another thing for me to look at.
The tool is a work of about a week of intensive work, so there are certainly holes.
We wanted to make some behavior pluggable, especially when you are mapping a file on an
existing model… but that's for future work.
Thanks for trying the tool!