The fact that the superclass is called AbstractElement and the
subclass is called ROElement denotes that we do not have proper name
for one of the concepts. I would suggest to rename ROElement to Node
which would be a natural name in this domain.
On Tue, Oct 9, 2012 at 3:00 AM, Ben Coman <btc(a)> wrote:
Thanks for addition of the rubberband feature. Having considered the
ROExample some more, I think it would provide a better show by highlighting
the available target nodes, so (to keep the application code concise) I was
thinking of rearranging the API as follows...
rubberband := RORubberBand new
targeting: [:sourceElement | sourceElement view
allElementsSelect: [:targetElement | [targetElement model
first asInteger = (sourceElement model first asInteger + 1)]]];
highlightTargets; onDrop:
[:rawNewEdge |
rawNewEdge + ROLine.
rawNewEdge to removeAllEdgesTo.
rawNewEdge to view add: rawNewEdge.
ROTreeLayout on: rawView elements].
where I was adding ROView>>allElementsSelect: as...
allElementsSelect: aBlock
| newCollection |
newCollection := OrderedCollection new.
self allElementsDo: [:each | (aBlock value: each) ifTrue: [newCollection
add: each]].
However I bumped into an issue where (unless you see a more elegant
solution) I feel the right thing might be to rename #allElementsDo: to
#allElementsAndEdgesDo (or #alllAbstractElementsDo:) and create two new
methods #allEdgesDo: and #allElementsDo:
The issue is that I was assuming I would be safe with the code
"sourceElement model first" since I _know_ the model is a string, however I
was surprised that this failed - due to #allElementsDo also processing edges
which had no model. However trying to workaround this with the following
also fails...
allElementsSelect: [:targetElement | (targetElement
isKindOf: ROElement)
and: (targetElement model first asInteger =
(sourceElement model first asInteger + 1)) ]
since the right-side is not bypassed when the left-side evaluates to #true
as per other languages (as well it clutters the application code)
Hence it seems useful for the (targetElement isKindOf: ROElement) to be
pushed upstream. However what would such a method be called?
#allElementsDo: is already taken, unless as mentioned above #allElementsDo:
is renamed to #allAbstactElementsDo: and new #allEdgesDo: and
#allElementsDo: are created.
Actually a new thought just occurs.... since Roassal has two major
components ROEdge and ROElement, and I think it will be _very_ common to
filter between them, having something like #allElementsKindOf:do: (as well
as #allElementsKindOf:select:) might be useful, such that the application
code would be...
rubberband := RORubberBand new
targeting: [:sourceElement | sourceElement view
allElementsKindOf: ROElement select: [:targetElement |
[targetElement model first asInteger = (sourceElement model first asInteger
+ 1)]]];
highlightTargets; onDrop:
[:rawNewEdge |
rawNewEdge + ROLine.
rawNewEdge to removeAllEdgesTo.
rawNewEdge to view add: rawNewEdge.
ROTreeLayout on: rawView elements].
This could leave the rubberbanding mechanism flexible to later drop edges
onto other edges - which might be randomly useful for something like the
hyperedges discussed recently. Do you have any other ideas on achieving
something similar to the last example?
cheers -ben
P.S. While it is elegant that ROAbstractElement has only one instance
variable 'elements' containing both ROElements and ROEdges, it is a little
unfortunate when considering the term 'elements' in general discussion and
documentation that there is a semantic overlap between ROAbstactElement and
ROElement that may at times be open to confusion.
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