Hi guys,
For those working in information retrieval, for example for doing td-idf
ranking, you can find adapted packages: "Hapax" and "CodeFu" in the
BioSmalltalk repository
http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/BioSmalltalk.html . I
have translated some VW specific code to Pharo 1.4 (under Windows
requires the ProcessWrapper package) and adapted some Hapax methods to
work with corpus in different languages.
This is an example script for a corpus in Spanish:
| corpus tdm documents |
corpus := HXSpanishCorpus new.
documents := 'el río Danubio pasa por Viena, su color es azul
el caudal de un río asciende en Invierno
el río Rhin y el río Danubio tienen mucho caudal
si un río es navegable, es porque tiene mucho caudal'.
documents lines doWithIndex: [: doc : index |
addDocument: index asString
with: (Terms new
addString: doc
using: CamelcaseScanner;
corpus removeStopwords.
corpus stemAll.
tdm := TermDocumentMatrix on: corpus.
Feel free to integrate to any repository. If you want to add a language
just see methods with selectors including "spanish".