Yes, the example below does the job.
Basically you should import your model using the MooseImportingContext.
In the example below, we are loading invocation and its dependents (ie.,
classes, packages).
Have a look in the class MooseImportingContext.
| filter mseStream mseFileName model |
mseFileName := '/Users/hora/Desktop/'.
mseStream := StandardFileStream readOnlyFileNamed: mseFileName.
"includes just invocation and its dependents"
filter := MooseImportingContext new importMethod.
model := MooseModel new.
model importFromMSEStream: mseStream filteredBy: filter.
model install.
On Mon, Aug 26, 2013 at 7:43 PM, Juraj Kubelka <juraj.kubelka(a)>wrote;wrote:
I have MSE files generated by VerveineJ. Can I setup somehow what I want
to import into the image? For example exclude invocations, or import just
classes and methods, etc.?
Thank you,
Moose-dev mailing list
Andre Hora