Status: Started
Comment #11 on issue 884 by alexandr...(a)gmail.com: The Roassal presentation
should react to custom ports
What about this issue? Is there something to do?
Here is a new version of Ben's script (ROHighlightElement and
ROUnhighlightElement) have been changed into ROBlink :
| browser activeSelection |
activeSelection := ROSelection new
onInclusion: [ :element | ROBlink highlight: element color: Color red ];
onExclusion: [ :element | ROBlink unhighlight: element ].
browser := GLMTabulator new .
browser with:
[ :tabulator |
tabulator column: #index; column: #visualization.
tabulator transmit to: #index; andShow: [:a | a list ].
tabulator transmit to: #visualization; andShowIfNone:
[ :a |
a roassal painting:
[ :view :collection :roassal |
view shape label.
view interaction on: ROMouseLeftClick do: [:ann | (roassal pane port:
#selection) value: ann element model ].
view nodes: collection.
view gridLayout.
roassal on: GLMContextChanged do:
[ :ann |
ann property = #selection ifTrue:
activeSelection clear.
activeSelection add: (ann presentation view raw elementFromModel:
ann value) .
tabulator transmit from: #index; to: #visualization port: #selection.
tabulator transmit from: #visualization port: #selection; to: #index
port: #selection.
browser openOn: #(1 2 3 4 5).
Everything seems to work as expected. Shall I close the issue?
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