Very nice!
This is what I was needing. This method atEndDo serves to me good. However
i can't update the view yet. The current modrian view persist and I can't
show a new view based on the value gotten from the wizard.
Following the code that I am using. The method distributionMapIn: with:
just build the view. I thought this was sufficient to update the view, but
it doesn't work.The old view persist.
filterWizard := WizardControl new
browser transmit
to: #map;
andShow: [ :a | self distributionMapIn: a with: (wizardInformation at:
#textEntry) ]. ]
How can I show the new view?
On 14 December 2011 16:48, Cyrille Delaunay [via Smalltalk] <
ml-node+s1294792n4196469h28(a)> wrote:
I think that what you are looking for is the place
where to retrieve the
values returned by your wizard and update your visualization according it.
What you could do is: when you create your merlin wizard, send the message
'atEndDo:', where your specify a block with the action to perform at the
end of the wizard:
WizardControl new
atEndDo: [:wizardInformations | updateVisualizationWith:
(wizardInformations at: #key)].
2011/12/14 Alexandre Bergel <[hidden
A mondrian browser call a window that contain
radio buttons, text
field. A value that I need will be on text field, so when I
performed an
action in a button finish, I can update the view in back window. ( ok?)
How a good manner to do it?
I still do not understand the example. How a Mondrian browser can call a
Maybe a screenshot will help us help you
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