Yep, thanks Alexandre
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El 11/11/2011, a las 20:06, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)> escribió:
I think that what Santiago is saying, is whether there
is a way to customize the import context when loading an mse model
Le 11 nov. 2011 à 10:43, Santiago Vidal <santiago.a.vidal(a)> a écrit :
I had create several MSE files of different versions of a Java system using VerveineJ.
Then, I had tried to load them to the Moose Panel but after load two of them I run out of
memory in Moose (The Pharo error is "Space is Low").
I had the same problem when loading several versions of Mondrian to Moose Panel. However,
we solved it by using the following script (we select only those thing in which we are
| mooseModel packages task |
#('2.10' '2.13' '2.100') do: [:version |
| project |
project := (ConfigurationOfMondrian project version: version).
project load.
"This is necessary by Moose to properly import"
Gofer new
url: '';
version: 'CollectionExtensions-TudorGirba.29';
packages := (project packages collect: #name) select: [:p | p beginsWith:
mooseModel := MooseModel new.
task := MooseSqueakClassCategoryImporterTask new.
task importerClass: SmalltalkImporter.
task importingContext mergeClassAndMetaclass.
task model: mooseModel.
task runCandidateOperator.
task addFromPackagesNamed: packages.
task runWithProgress.
mooseModel name: 'Mondrian ', version.
mooseModel allMethods do: #numberOfLinesOfCode.
mooseModel install.
] on: Error do: [ :ex | self halt. Transcript show: 'cannot load version
', version, ' ', ex printString. ].
Is there any way to do the same with VerveineJ (that is, reduce the size of the MSE
files)? Or is there a way to expand the memory of Moose?
Santiago Vidal
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