Hi Serge,
The script you have sent does not work well. Curves are not in the graphs :-(
I think Bui has produce graphs that correctly use Charter
Do you have the version Bui produced?
On Sep 29, 2014, at 7:31 AM, Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckwich(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Thu, Sep 25, 2014 at 6:41 PM, Offray Vladimir Luna
<offray(a)riseup.net> wrote:
Hi Serge,
I see that your graph has two texts, 'Ebola cases' and 'Guinea cases',
but I
get only one blue line colored plot. Is that the intended, and what these
two labels means? (particularly Guinea cases).
My idea was to plot many curve for each country (not done in this script).
The first label is the text of the legend, the second one, the name of
the blue curve.
This is an example with two countries:
tab := RTTabTable new input: (ZnEasy
contents usingDelimiter: $,.
tab removeFirstRow.
tab replaceEmptyValuesWith: '0' inColumns: (2 to: 12) asArray.
tab convertColumnsAsInteger: (2 to: 12) asArray.
tab convertColumnAsDateAndTime: 1.
tab replaceZeroWithCumulativeValuesInColumns: (2 to:12) asArray.
data := tab values reversed.
minEntry := data minFor: #first.
b := RTCharterBuilder new.
b extent: 400@200.
b shape ellipse size:0.
b points: data.
b connectDotColor: Color blue.
b allY: [ :v | v at: 3 ].
b allX: [ :v | v first julianDayNumber - minEntry first julianDayNumber ].
b points: data.
b connectDotColor: Color green.
b allY: [ :v | v at: 4 ].
b allX: [ :v | v first julianDayNumber - minEntry first julianDayNumber ].
b axisConfiguration
labelRotation: -30;
labelConvertion: [ :v | (Date julianDayNumber: v + minEntry first
julianDayNumber) ].
b axisX.
b resetAxisConfiguration.
b axisY.
b build.
lb := RTLegend2Builder new.
lb view: b view.
lb addText: 'Ebola cases'.
lb addColor: Color blue text: 'Guinea'.
lb addColor: Color green text: 'Liberia'.
lb build.
b open.
Serge Stinckwich
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