Hi Peter,
Please don't keep it to your self. The first thing I think is in
mind-maping having interactive trees with morph (graphics, sound code
snippets) as nodes.
On 07/02/17 10:28, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
Hi Peter!
We will have a look at it very soon!
> On Feb 6, 2017, at 9:52 AM, Peter Uhnak <i.uhnak(a)gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I've made a small addition to Roassal, so now we can drop morphs onto Roassal
canvas and then do something with it.
> For example open a view:
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> v := RTView new.
> v @ (RTMorphDropInteraction new
> if: [ :morph :event | morph isTransferable and: [ morph passenger isNotEmpty ] ]
> do: [ :morph :event | |el|
> el := (RTLabel new elementOn: morph passenger first).
> el @ RTDraggable.
> v add: el.
> v signalUpdate.
> ]).
> v open.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> And then drag Class or Method from Nautilus window and it should appear in the
> The interaction can be added to any shape (not just view), and the first (in terms of
elements placed on top of each other) shape/view that passes the #if: block will process
it (just like a click event).
> Is this useful in Roassal itself? Should I keep it for myself? (The implementation is
a bit... hacky).
> Peter
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