On Thu, Mar 10, 2016 at 9:19 AM, Peter Uhnák <i.uhnak(a)gmail.com> wrote:
I wonder if withShorterVerticalAttachPoint would look
nice if it provided
a short vertical stub off the shape that an
orthogonal line could connect
That's line's responsibility. We have RTMultiLine for that. Also the
situation is same for withShorterHorizontalAttachPoint, you just don't see
it (because the line is horizontal).
For example:
|v es e1 e2 offset|
v := RTView new.
es := RTBox new borderColor: Color black; size: 50; elementsOn: #(a b c).
es @ RTDraggable.
v addAll: es.
es second translateBy: 300 @ 25.
es third translateBy: 25 @ 300.
e1 := RTMultiLine new
color: Color black;
edgeFrom: es first to: es second.
e1 model: #withShorterHorizontalAttachPoint.
v add: e1.
e1 @ (RTLabelled new color: Color black).
e1 := RTMultiLine new
color: Color black;
edgeFrom: es first to: es third.
e1 model: #withShorterVerticalAttachPoint.
v add: e1.
e1 @ (RTLabelled new color: Color black).
I was thinking an ortho line combined with a vertical stub attachment point
might give you something like this...
cheers -ben