On 6 May 2013 13:26, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com> wrote:
Igor did not
want to send them because he does not want to look like an asshole criticizing but I think
that if we want roassal to be really
a success we should.
Sure, making this email public is the best to do. As researchers we should embrace
feedback, even if not positive.
* Point 1: wasting cycles to do conversion
ROPharoCanvas>>line: aPoint to: aPoint2 width: aSmallInteger color: aColor
nativeCanvas line: (self virtualToRealPoint: aPoint) to: (self virtualToRealPoint:
aPoint2) width: aSmallInteger color: aColor.
wasting cycles to convert from your local coordinate space into global one on every
single operation is not a good idea. Guess why :)
Athens provides the user-space coordinate system for geometry by default.. so that you
don't have to maintain it by yourself.
So if you want a real system these points should be addressed ;)
Maintaining virtual coordinates is essential for zooming and scrolling the whole view.
Athens has indeed fast primitives to do this. We will probably consider using them this
once Athens will be part of Pharo.
* Point 2: missing transformation matrix
You don't even have a transformation as a concept.. and instead of simple and
straightforward affine matrix which people
learn in schools today: a Camera
[ ... ]
see this #virtualToRealPoint: calls?
Athens provides this for free. Do not do it the hard way: (do not transform poor vector
multiple times to get there.)
Athens do it for you using math:
(v * M1) * M2 = v * (M1*M2)
We thought about using matrixes. And the nice things is to be able to do rotation, thing
that we cannot do right now in Roassal because we do not have matrixes. We are wondering
whether we should wait for Athens to be part of Roassal to use matrix or doing it our
By the way, using a matrix implies more operations that Roassal actually does, because
doing v * M has more operations than the method #virtualToRealPoint:. However this does
not really matter since this is rather cheap.
are you sure that v*M has more operations?
AtthensAffineTransform>>transform: aPoint
| px py |
px := aPoint x.
py := aPoint y.
^ Point
x: (sx*px +(shx*py) + x)
y: (shy*px + (sy*py) + y)
4 multiplications 4 additions
virtualToRealPointNoTrunc: aPoint
"Return a virtual point from a one expressed in the real coordinates"
| visibleBounds offset |
visibleBounds := self bounds.
offset := self position.
^ ((aPoint x asFloat - offset x * realExtent x / visibleBounds
width) asFloat) @
((aPoint y asFloat - offset y * realExtent y / visibleBounds
height) asFloat)
2 subtractions
2 muls
2 divisions
+ float conversions (why they are there?)
+ converting back to integers
virtualToRealPoint: aPoint
"Return a virtual point from a one expressed in the real coordinates"
^ (self virtualToRealPointNoTrunc: aPoint) asIntegerPoint
+ adding extra point in ROAbstractCanvas (2 additions more)
virtualToRealPoint: aPoint
"Return a real point from a one expressed in the virtual coordinates"
^ (camera virtualToRealPoint: aPoint) + offset
And things like:
virtualToRealRectangle: aRectangle
"Return a rectangle with real coordinates from one expressed in the
virtual coordinates"
^ (self virtualToRealPoint: aRectangle origin) corner: (self
virtualToRealPoint: aRectangle corner)
this makes sense only if both coordinate systems not rotated
respective to each other.
Once you have rotation, this method loses all geometrical sense and
very dangerous to use.
* Point 3
about design
Why do we have all these classes? why they are not...
... traits? Well... because there is little support in Pharo to work with traits.
Another reason is traits exist only in Pharo.
no, i was wondering why you need more than a single class,
representing an arrow which
connects two arbitrary points. Instead you have only horizontal or
vertical + separate subclasses for
different arrow direction..
so, either i don't understand something, or if i right, this needs to
be thrown away.
Alexandre Bergel
Best regards,
Igor Stasenko.