On 26 août 09, at 16:26, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
I loaded MooseLoader load
then CAnalyzer with a couple of warning and
then I selected packages
then packageDependency map
This is part of MondrianExtensions, which is not loaded by default. I
have to move and clean up some scripts.
BTW, there is no packages in C code so you can not launch package
dependency map on C code.
viewPackageMapOn: view
| graph kruskal tree otherEdges edges |
kruskal := MOKruskal new.
graph := self buildGraph: kruskal.
tree := kruskal run.
view nodeShape: (MORectangleShape new width: [:p | p model classes
size * 3]; height: [:p | p model extensionClasses size * 3] ).
view nodes: graph nodes.
view edgeShape: (MOCurveFitterShape new color: [:e| self
edgeColorFor: e default: Color brown]; width: 1).
otherEdges := graph edges copyWithoutAll: tree.
otherEdges := view edges: otherEdges from: #from to: #to.
view edgeShape: (MOStraightLineShape new color: [:e| self
edgeColorFor: e default: Color black]; width: 2).
edges := view edges: tree from: #from to: #to.
view treeLayout userDefinedEdges: edges
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