Hi Sebastian,
The easel is obsolete. It does not make sense to still have it since the inspector
largely supersede it. The inspector allows for live programming in a fantastic way. We
will do some cleaning.
I am not sure to understand the problem you are facing. Have you tried the Roassal
Regarding Roassal 3d, it is nearly on standby. We will continue to work on it, but
currently we do not have the (human) resources.
Le 18 mars 2015 à 18:09, Sebastian Heidbrink
<sheidev(a)yahoo.de> a écrit :
Hi Alexandre,
well this works great but it is somehow still beyond me how to use the Roassal Easel
Editor on its own.
I better ask: Why are Roassal Easel and Glamour Editor accessible via the WorldMenu if
one can't really use them this way?
Or am I missing something?
I saw some videos on live rendering during Roassal development. Is this just available
for Roassal3d?
Am 13.03.2015 um 14:37 schrieb Alexandre Bergel:
> Well, how can I add a model... there are now
menus and the list is also not editable…?
Currently, CSV tables are not hooked into Moose. I have no idea if someone has worked on
this or not. On my side, I have never hooked CSV table to Moose because I have never seen
a need for this.
Consider the following script:
|tab ds b |
tab := RTTabTable new input:
'http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/feed/v0.1/summary/2.5_month.csv' asUrl
retrieveContents usingDelimiter: $,.
tab removeFirstRow.
tab replaceEmptyValuesWith: '0' inColumns: #(4 5).
tab convertColumnsAsFloat: #(4 5).
b := RTGrapher new.
ds := RTDataSet new.
ds interaction popup.
ds points: tab values.
ds dotShape color: (Color blue alpha: 0.3).
ds x: [ :row | row at: 4 ].
ds y: [ :row | row at: 5 ].
b add: ds.
b maxY: 8.
b maxX: 700.
b axisX title: 'depth'.
b axisY title: 'magnitude'.
b build.
It visualizes seisms in plain Roassal, without the need to have it hooked into moose.
This is a singular example. If I would deal with Seisms the all day long, then yes, I
would surely hook it into moose (e.g., extending the Moose meta model, adding an importer
in the Moose Panel, …).
At that stage, I have never seen the need.
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