Comment #3 on issue 574 by alexandr...(a) Nodes with complex shapes
do not position the children nodes with complex shapes properly
I did not check how umlClass was defined. But let's take a simpler and more
concise example. If I have
view shape
form: [:b | b column; fill; row; fill; row; fill; row; fill.
b x:1 y:1 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 80; height: 50).
b x:1 y:2 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 80; height: 100).
b x:1 y:2 add: (MOChildrenShape new) ].
view node: 'outter node' forIt: [
view shape
form: [:b | b column; fill; row; fill; row; fill; row; fill.
b x:1 y:1 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 20; height: 30).
b x:1 y:2 add: (MORectangleShape new width: 20; height: 50) ].
view node: 'hello world']
The inner node 'hello world' has to be in the (1,2) cell does it?
And if I remove "b x:1 y:2 add: (MOChildrenShape new)", then an error will
occur because I try to put inner nodes without having a children shape.
Is this the expected semantic?