Yes, I did. The script loads the latest development version which is 2.5.
On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:45 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)
> Did you check that you get the latest version of athens 2.5 ?
> I also tried based on a Moose 5.0 image on OS X 10.9.2:
> Gofer new
> smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'Athens';
> configuration;
> loadDevelopment.
> AthensSceneView new scene: [ :canvas | |s|
> canvas setFont: (LogicalFont familyName: 'FreeSans'
> pointSize: 20).
> s:= String newFrom: ($A to: $Z),($a to: $z), ($0 to: $9).
> canvas pathTransform restoreAfter: [
> canvas pathTransform translateX: 0 Y: 50.
> canvas setPaint: Color black.
> canvas drawString:s ]
> ];openInWindow
> And I still get the problem:
> <an AthensSceneView(824442880).png>
> Doru
> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:36 PM, Blondeau Vincent <
> vincent.blondeau(a)
>> +1.
>> So, I did on a fresh Moose 5.0 Image under W7:
>> Gofer new
>> smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'Athens';
>> configuration;
>> loadDevelopment.
>> And :
>> AthensSceneView new scene: [ :canvas | |s|
>> canvas setFont: (LogicalFont familyName: 'FreeSans'
>> pointSize: 20).
>> s:= String newFrom: ($A to: $Z),($a to: $z), ($0 to: $9).
>> canvas pathTransform restoreAfter: [
>> canvas pathTransform translateX: 0 Y: 50.
>> canvas setPaint: Color black.
>> canvas drawString:s ]
>> ];openInWindow
>> And I got :
>> <image001.png>
>> <image002.png>
>> And under a fresh Pharo 3.0 :
>> <image003.png>
>> Vincent
>> *De :* moose-dev-bounces(a) [mailto:
>> moose-dev-bounces(a)] *De la part de* Tudor Girba
>> *Envoyé :* vendredi 28 mars 2014 14:28
>> *À :* Moose-related development
>> *Objet :* [Moose-dev] Re: Fwd: [Pharo-dev] Font problem is still there
>> Hi,
>> This was discussed before both on the Moose and on the Pharo mailing
>> list. We are loading explicitly an older version of Athens because we could
>> not work at all with the one that came from Pharo, and nobody reacted at
>> the time to the font issue:
>> "
>> This is a workaround fir the bug described here:
>> "
>> Gofer new
>> smalltalkhubUser: 'Pharo' project: 'Pharo30';
>> package: 'Athens-Cairo' constraint: [ :version |
>> version author = 'MarcusDenker' and: [ version versionNumber = 51 ] ];
>> package: 'Athens-Core' constraint: [ :version |
>> version author = 'MarcusDenker' and: [ version versionNumber = 34 ] ];
>> load
>> Now it's great that you are looking at it. So, I now removed it from the
>> setup and the image is now relying on the latest Pharo 3.0. The build is
>> running now:
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> On Fri, Mar 28, 2014 at 2:18 PM, Stéphane Ducasse <
>> stephane.ducasse(a)
>> Hi guys.
>> This is strange that moose is using a so old version of Athens.
>> Stef
>> Begin forwarded message:
>> *From: *Igor Stasenko <siguctua(a)>
>> *Subject: Re: [Pharo-dev] Font problem is still there*
>> *Date: *28 Mar 2014 14:03:17 GMT+1
>> *To: *Pharo Development List <pharo-dev(a)>
>> *Reply-To: *Pharo Development List <pharo-dev(a)>
>> so, i checked both in 4.9 and 5.0 Moose images on linux...
>> got weird results and sometimes crashes.
>> in 5.0 image the version is:
>> Athens-Cairo-MarcusDenker.51
>> - this one uses pretty old code, which renders text using 'toy' cairo
>> for text rendering.
>> in my working image, where i work every day it is:
>> Athens-Cairo-SvenVanCaekenberghe.64
>> and there's also couple important fixes since .51 as well as different
>> font rendering code which no longer using toy api..
>> so, guys, if you want me to continue, please try using latest versions
>> and report problems about it,
>> because it makes no sense to find a fix in something which outdated and
>> thrown away many months ago.
>> Load the latest dev version of Athens from smalltalkhub (it is version
>> 2.5)
>> ConfigurationOfAthens loadDevelopment.
>> try it out.
>> Here's what i got on latest fresh vanilla out of the box Pharo 3.0
>> image on linux system:
>> <image004.jpg>
>> P.S. i am not saying that it is *impossible* that there is problems in
>> new version, just asking you to report problems with that version,
>> not one which year(s) old.
>> --
>> Best regards,
>> Igor Stasenko.
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