do you know if the library of adrian for FCA has been ported to Pharo?
Begin forwarded message:
From: Usman Bhatti
Date: October 13, 2011 5:28:18 PM GMT+02:00
To: gabriela.b.arevalo(a)
Cc: Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)>fr>, Nicolas Anquetil
Subject: looking for a FCA library in Smalltalk
Hello Gabriella,
I am working with Stephane and Marianne on a paper related to FCA patterns. The idea is
to identify a few patterns in FCA lattices that would reduce lattice exploring task to
searching and looking at a few of these patterns. We describe the combination of nodes and
subgraphs in the lattices as patterns. When identifying patterns, we took care of the
following things:
1. the patterns should be generic (i.e. not related to a particular context)
2. the patterns should produce little false-positives (that is the nodes that are not
important in lattices should not appear in candidates for evaluation)..
we presented our paper in wcre 2011 but it got rejected. Now, we are reviewing the paper
to present it in CSMR 2012.
The purpose of the mail is that we are looking for a tool (specifically in Smalltalk)
that would automate the process of patterns identification in FCA. So, I am looking for a
library in FCA that:
- extracts program info from smalltalk (if possible)
- calculates lattices based on program info
- permits to do queries on lattices (top, bottom, a concept with objects, attributes,
- find horizontal decomposition and modules in lattices.
Would you have a knowledge of such a library?
If you wish I can send you the paper to have a look at it. There is a tool in Java called
Colibri that allows to do some of these queries on lattices:
but its written in Java and I am looking for something in Smalltalk.
thanx in advance,
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