Stéph and I are trying to revive Coral. There is a unit test that
self assert: (CLIParameterParser boolean) fail: #('falsely').
CLIParameterParser class>>boolean
| trueToken falseToken | trueToken := (self
caseInsensitiveKeywords: #('true' 'yes')) end ==> [:token
| true]. falseToken := (self caseInsensitiveKeywords:
#('false' 'no')) end ==> [:token | false]. ^ self new
setParser: (PPElementParser on: trueToken / falseToken
message: 'boolean expected'); name: 'bool'
CLIParameterParser class>>caseInsensitiveKeywords: aCollection
^ (PPChoiceParser withAll: (aCollection collect: [ :each |
each asParser caseInsensitive ])) token
I don't know if this test used to pass but I guess it did. I think
the problem is in the new work around "contexts".
Can somebody please help?
Damien Cassou
"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill