Ok, I understand.
So the perfect thing is to compute all metrics before the script, or use a moose cache.
I think that blueprint use cook, with a cache.
You can fing t image here:
> Yes, we will do this.
> Now, I do not understand the relation between metrics (which is computed before
visualization) and scrolling the canvas.
> Does Mondrian compute something when we scroll ?
Mondrian itself no. But it evaluates the block you provide when defining shape (e.g.,
height: and width:) each time a refresh is done. Which occurs when you scroll.
I would like to verify if the metrics you use are really computed just once.
> Cheers,
> Jannik
> On Jun 9, 2010, at 15:46 , Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> It absolutely possible that I missed opportunities for optimization. But I would
like to be sure that the metrics you use are not responsible for the slowness. Can you
produce a complete sequence on how I can reproduce the problem, starting from a Moose
one-click image?
>> Cheers,
>> Alexandre
>> On 9 Jun 2010, at 09:41, Laval Jannik wrote:
>>> Hi Alex,
>>> I just see Package Blueprint working on Pharo1.1
>>> Jean Remi shows a case study :
>>> It is a visualization of 50 packages (so, not a lot), it is clearly difficult
to scroll.
>>> This is not an edges problem, I do not know if this problem comes from
Mondrian or Morphic...
>>> But for sure, it is not attractive.
>>> Mondrian exists to generate faster visualization by scripting.
>>> If the visualization is not scrollable, and not usable with modern computers
as we have, do you think Mondrian is useful ?
>>> The problem is here: We write one time the script, we generate frequently
>>> Users prefer a fast visualization than a fast scripting language.
>>> The perfect is to have the two. And I think that Mondrian can do this.
>>> Maybe we should do work on it (an engineer ?).
>>> Just my reflexion
>>> Cheers,
>>> Jannik
>>> On Jun 9, 2010, at 14:24 , Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>>>> I already tried with a complex case. Indeed it is a lot faster than
before, thank you :D
>>>> This is what I would expect. There was a bug introduced with the zOrder.
>>>> You should have similar speed up on pharo 1.0.
>>>>> The #5 is a treeLayout (with less edges) and on it I couldn't
move the scrollbar.. got stuck for minutes. I tried again, and I had the same problem.
>>>> Are you sure that the problem comes from Mondrian? You can use Kai, the
profiler I worked on to easily see where the problem comes from.
>>>> KaiProfiler viewProfiling: [ "your code here" ]
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Alexandre
>>>>> Will check if i am doing something different for that visualization
(thought is the simplest one), and will let you know.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Veronica
>>>>> On 08 Jun 2010, at 14:46, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Veronica (and Jannik),
>>>>>> The problem should now be fixed. The last version of Mondrian is
3 times faster when displaying inner nodes and edges.
>>>>>> Does it solve your problem?
>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>>> On 5 Jun 2010, at 05:27, Veronica Isabel Uquillas Gomez wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Alexandre,
>>>>>>> Inspecting visualizations when many edges are present is
really a problem...
>>>>>>> Is there any improvement with respect to this problem?
>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>> Veronica
>>>>>>> On 24 Apr 2010, at 22:53, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>>>>>>> Ok. I have a set of benchmarks that noticed a slowdown. I
hope this will be addressed soon (a student is currently working on it).
>>>>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>>>>> On 24 Apr 2010, at 07:59, Laval Jannik wrote:
>>>>>>>>> I can't too.
>>>>>>>>> The script make a while and crash the image.
>>>>>>>>> Jannik
>>>>>>>>> On Apr 23, 2010, at 23:07 , Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Jannik, can you try to generate a DSM with the
version Mondrian-Alexandre_Bergel.355.mcz and tell me whether it is faster or not ?
>>>>>>>>>> I guess Veronica can not do it since dashed lines
did not exist in 355.
>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>>>>>>> On 23 Apr 2010, at 15:41, Laval Jannik wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> This is the same for me.
>>>>>>>>>>> With an eDSM, it is really difficult to
>>>>>>>>>>> I already make some reports of this
problem... But I am not sure it is caused by edges.
>>>>>>>>>>> Jannik
>>>>>>>>>>> On Apr 23, 2010, at 21:31 , Veronica Isabel
Uquillas Gomez wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hi Alexandre,
>>>>>>>>>>>> when my visualizations have many elements
in general is slow, but sometimes is impossible (or takes more than 1 min) to move the
scrollbar or switch to other windows... I think the edges are causing this problem, but i
am not sure.
>>>>>>>>>>>> will send you an example of this case.
>>>>>>>>>>>> regards,
>>>>>>>>>>>> Veronica
>>>>>>>>>>>> On 23 Apr 2010, at 20:09, Alexandre
Bergel wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are edges slower than before? I
recently noticed a slowdown, but it is not that apparent.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> How many edges are intended to be
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers,
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Alexandre
>>>>>>>>>>>>> On 23 Apr 2010, at 13:41, stephane
ducasse wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> if you do not tell him, he will
never notice it.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> First Rule: give feedback!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Stef
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