On 17 Nov 2007, at 0:34 , Adrian Kuhn wrote:
The tracker seems to be down, I can not acces the
I will ask marcus how to fix this, as he uses the same for
There are tons of small issues that I do not remember par coeur.
But I will try to collect some major issues I remember in a follow up
- __state__ is the main abandoned construction site (the idea there
is to considerable recue the memory footprint of moose and trade-off
performance in the same time. I stopped mid way, when all my
suggestion to use meta-programming got rejected as I dont think we
can reduce the memory-footprint with Java-like code as it is now. I
was mainly thinking of (i) collective instance variables for the
model backlink, (ii) dynamic instance variables (ie wide classes) for
all none FAMIX.Core properties and metrics, adn (iii) collective
behavior for collective behavior. In particular the (i) would in
addition to saved instvar slots also save the need to keep all those
ugly caches of all-entities-of-one-kind in the model).
- Write method comments
- New exception dialog that shows a form for bug-repot and "send to
moose-dev" button which will take report, attached stack trace and
other interesting info and send it to this list.
- Have some Javadoc like comment tool
- CodeFoo.Task
- Write package comments
- Switch from Meta to Fame (the new Famix 3.0 Meta on which I started
working on today's 15 hour odyssee through France, Belgium and
Germany) (Fame stands for FAmix MEtamodel)
- Sketch some rough UML of moose main class structure
- FM3.MultivalueLink for many-to-many relationships
- Write tutorials for basic plugin-developer tasks
- Proper test setup
- (currently they are too long, and their fixture too complexe to be
a help. When broken the single point of failure is not evident)
- (as a first step, this can mean as little as making two test
suites, one with the small and okay tests, and one with the ugly tests)
- (I expect that each ugly tests could be splitted in at least two
dozen nice tests each )
- Write class comments
- Tagging of Moose's public interface with a pragma and setup a way
to check at runtime if plugins violate this constraint
- Propose nice coding conventions and useful best practices for Moose
- Enforce them
That is all I remember now. For priorities, all of that is low to
very low on my list except for supporting the transition from F2.2 to F3