On 25 May 2011, at 09:33, Nicolas Anquetil wrote:
Some thoughts: Moose is a tool, not a full desktop environment.
As a tool, it should integrate into the desktop environment and follow the same
conventions, not create a set of convention for itself, however well founded they are.
(And no, Glamour is not a full desktop environment either.)
No it is not. Nobody said it is. Glamour is simply inventing a class of its own: the data
browser environment. This happens to have its own constraints and patterns. And yes, I
think this is an opportunity to invent something new and useful, not a problem of not
If Pharo would have native widgets support, the situation would be different. But we do
not have it.
The problem of course is that we have at least three
main desktop environments we can work on and they don't follow the same conventions
What do you mean?
So what are the solutions?
- have very consensual convention, not invent our own
There is none for good browsers of data.
- have a very clever interface that can adapt to its
desktop (hummm difficult, and lots of work)
No way :)
- use external renderer(s) (e.g. Java Swing or SWT :-)
Right now we use Morphic, which is as integrated into the desktop environment as Swing.
- ???
Go on the web because there we have native widget support :)
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