On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 10:43 AM, stephane ducasse
On May 7, 2013, at 9:59 AM, Usman Bhatti <usman.bhatti(a)gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, May 6, 2013 at 9:51 PM, Alexandre Bergel <alexandre.bergel(a)me.com>wrote;wrote:
so to
come back to my key original question: when will roassal will
start to use for
real existing infrastructure?
When we will have time and resources. Athens has been in a usable state
only until recently, when Igor made his tutorial.
We are using Athens and we will continue to do so. More and more Athens
will become the base of Roassal. It is just that it takes time.
When do you plan to really have a look and
optimise (1) speed and (2)
garbage generated?
Over the last weeks, Roassal went through a major optimization process.
Roassal has pretty much all the optimization that ZVMT has (the library of
Emmanuel, from INRIA). More has to be done I agree.
By the way, if the Synectique crew (or anyone else) find some particular
situations that are judged as too slow, then we will make sure the slowdown
get properly removed.
For the moment, Roassal's performance is better than that of Mondrian and
that suffices us. In the meantime, what we can achieve with Athens are
modern-looking apps. And the screenshots prove that. and If there is a gain
of performance, that's a plus for us so that we prepare ourselves for huge
the problem with huge graph is that you get lost.
We should just use them to bench roassal.
Yes they are. And then there is also the fact that humans might not be able
to reason about the complex graphs with several thousand nodes. So, I think
in that case we need to understand the use-cases that people may come up
Most of the time, the problem that we are confronted with graphs of
software is to find a tree from a particular node: tracing all the
dependent nodes of a root and ignoring reverse links, if any. That
eliminates a lot of noise. We did some experimentation with Mathieu and we
got simpler, more meaningful radial graphs. I'll try to share images when I
have some time to breath.
Alex do you plan to visit us before ESUG?
It is still early for me to know. In a couple of weeks I will let you know
Alexandre Bergel
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