Comment #1 on issue 842 by google....(a) ROTranslatingShape
mouse hotspot mis-alignment
Note however that while the mouse hotspot is fixed for the most inner
nodes, hovering exactly over the "el1" text does not highlight this text
and its element. I think it should, and that there is value in further
consideration of ROShape>>chainedContains:For:.
As another example of where the chained shape contains might be considered
a benefit is the following script...
| rawView view el |
rawView := ROView new.
el := ROElement new + ROBorder + (ROTranslatingShape new offset: 20 @ 20) +
ROBox .
el extent: 50 @ 50.
el @ RODraggable @ ROLightlyHighlightable.
rawView add: el.
rawView open
Referring to attached image, currently the hotspot is only the bordered
square and not the filled in square. I think ideally the hotspot should
extend to the filled square, but not the areas that I have marked with the
red circles.
ROTranslatingShape-chained-shape-contains-example.png 1.1 KB