On 6 nov. 2009, at 00:12, Tudor Girba wrote:
description should be removed all together, as it comes from ancient
times :). It was used to have a custom string description attached
to an entity. For example, a select: applied to allClasses would
have resulted in something like 'All Classes selected by ...'. This
string was override-able and it was supposed to be a means to keep
track of what an entity represents from the analysis point of view.
However, it was not used anymore and the idea evolved into Metanool.
So, all in all, it should be removed.
Is metanool ready to work on Pharo?
I think we still need some kind of description, that is a public
polymorphic API so that entities can display themselves in inspector
and browsers.
mooseName as a unique identifier, ok.
printOn: as the public API for printing entities anywhere, ok.
get rid of description in general, ok. But I would keep it for Group
as it is useful there. Group still 'printOn:' using their basic
Problems I can see now:
- not all classes seem to override printOn: in a proper way.
- mooseName calls mooseNameOn: in MooseEntity, but some subclasses
override mooseName, and others mooseNameOn:
That does not look good.
Take for example
| stream |
^ self privateState
at: #mooseName
[ stream := (String new: 64) writeStream.
self mooseNameOn: stream.
^ stream contents asSymbol ]
MooseEntity>>mooseNameOn: aStream
self mooseID isNil
ifTrue: [ aStream nextPutAll: 'nil mooseID!!!' ]
[ self name
ifNil: [ aStream print: self mooseID ]
ifNotNil: [ aStream nextPutAll: self name ] ]
There is plenty of ways one can customize mooseName, and amazingly
almost all those ways are used:
- you can override mooseName
- you can override mooseNameOn:
- you can override name
- you could also directly set #mooseName in privateState, for example
in the initialize method (something done in
MooseGroup>>initialize..... self description: 'Group')
On 5 Nov 2009, at 21:27, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
> #printOn: is used by Pharo tools to display objects. For example, a
> famix class is printed as "a FAMIXClass #'Smalltalk::CRCError'"
> Glamour uses description to render items in browsers. It makes
> sense to have a short description from the moose point of view
> (instead of the developper tools point of view as with printOn:). A
> description of a famix class could be 'Smalltalk::CRCError (Class)'
Not really, we kind of mix things there (partly because of my
Glamour uses the standard Smalltalk way (asString...).
I also used mooseName for formatting some entries, but now prefer the
standard way, except the standard way is not well defined everywhere.
Then MooseGroup uses its description when printing itself.
mooseName returns a description shorter than with #description. It
is often used as dictionary keys and unique identifier. For the
famix class CRCError we have #'Smalltalk::CRCError'
We could maybe replace #description for #mooseLongName. This will
be more explicit and make implementer/serder easily browsable since
#description is implemented in Monticello, Fame, Exception
This is a good action task to do in my opinion. Shall I add an
entry in the Moose code google? Moreover, I do not see any Moose
unit test that test it (but I did a quick check).
On 5 Nov 2009, at 10:01, Simon Denier wrote:
This morning, I tried to understand (I thought I
before) the things about printing Moose entities, either in the
finder or in an inspector, or whatever.
Only thing I can say is it's a mess with a lot of yo-yo in the
So there is
also mooseNameOn: etc.
MooseGroup tends to use description.
mooseName is likely a unique identifier, however it is also used
to print an entity sometimes (in the moose finder)
#printOn: is not rationally overridden everywhere...
Maybe someone wants to take a look and proposes a solution, at
least some conventions/documentation.
Which selector is used in which context.
Which method should I override in a new entity.
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Alexandre Bergel
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