On 28 avr. 2010, at 14:59, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
2010/4/28 Cyrille Delaunay <cy.delaunay(a)gmail.com>
After playing a bit with that, it seems that it is not moose specific. I have maybe an
idea about the origin of the Problem:
I have a package, Merlin, which is usually saved in is own repository,
I had to make some changes on Merlin, and during all this time, I saved all the
'dummy versions' of Merlin in another repository:
Now, if I compare the latest version from those two repositories:
www.squeaksource.com/Merlin, BEFORE CHANGES , the offset of the instance variable
causing the problem is 10.
www.squeaksource.com/DelaunayTmpStuffs, AT THE END OF CHANGES , the offset of the
instance variable causing the problem is 15.
The problem will only happen when merging those two versions. If you load the version
directly from DelaunayTmpStuffs, all will be ok.
So it looks like methods which are not changed by a merge and access instance variables
do not get recompiled when the class definition changes? That is strange that such a bug
still exists in Monticello. Try to do a very simple test case with a dummy package before
posting the bug on Pharo, I would like to check that.
If you load the version directly from
DelaunayTmpStuffs *in a clean pharo image*, all will be ok.
Then, I don't know how the information about the instance variable offsets is
propagated along the different versions of a package. But it seems that when merging, the
information (telling that the offset of the variable has changed) has been lost in all the
version of DelaunayTmpStuffs
2010/4/27 Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)inria.fr>
We should check the Moose overrides?
is there somewhere a method adding behavior to behavior and friends?
I did not get the time to have a look.
On Apr 26, 2010, at 11:29 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:
That is too low level for me :)
On 26 Apr 2010, at 13:56, Cyrille Delaunay wrote:
> Hello,
> Last week I had a error due to a strange behaviour: I had an instance variable and an
accessor to this instance variable. The instance variable is instanciated at the
initialization of the class. When the error occure, the instance variable is not nil (when
inspecting it from the debugger ). But, when evaluating the accessor, it return nil.
> This occure in the pharo 1.0 dev image. I test it this morning on a clean image and
on a click image with moose. It seems that the bug is specific to moose. If you want to
reproduce it:
> Download the last version of Merlin from
> run the method MerlinExamples class >> parametrizedMorphDropLists. it should
work correctly.
> Now restart, load moose (load Conf
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