Miguel is doing this as a student of mine, the problem that we are having is that we may
need to add new types to the famix model, but we dont know how the procedure for this. In
an MSE we see that each enity has a unique ID, so we want to know if/how we can generate
this ID from within moose itself.
On 01 Jun 2011, at 01:03, Miguel Enrique Campusano Araya wrote:
i'm new at this and i'm helping in the develop of an extension for moose-famix
with aspects, but for this we need some data so we could make a good store of the correct
data in the model. We need to get more ids for our new structures and for the famix
structures that we added when we parse a project with aspectJ in eclipse.
The project name is aspectmaps and you could see in
i hope you could help me with this little problem
and sorry for my bad english, i'm still learning
Miguel Enrique Campusano Araya
Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil en Computación
Universidad de Chile
Moose-dev mailing list
Johan Fabry
jfabry(a)dcc.uchile.cl -
PLEIAD Lab - Computer Science Department (DCC) - University of Chile